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Do you Know why SEO is very important? Yes? or No? . what if I tell you – you got some pretty good and low-risk money-making opportunities too? The time to make money only with money is a so-last season! But got no idea how? Not a problem – I’m here to tell you the easy ways how to make money with a SEO 2023. So Please read this and get an idea for make money.
Here I tell you about 10 ways how can you improve
1. Publish Relevant Content Regularly
Regularly publishing content that directly addresses your target audience’s search queries will result in users spending more time on your site.
Publishing original content regularly is also important due to the freshness factor. When Google recognizes that your site is consistently publishing high-quality, useful content it will reward your site with higher rankings.
2. Improve Your Site Speed
A slow site does nothing other than frustrate impatient users who will quickly turn to a competitor and increase your bounce rate.
Remove any non-essential plugins, reduce the size of files, Lower the number of redirects, and Optimise images these are the most important and used ways of improving your sites.
3. Write For Target Audience
When you think about improving your site’s overall SEO status, it can be tempting to make your whole site about pleasing search engines. In some cases, this can even mean trying to write for search engines as opposed to your target audience.
Although you should never lose sight of the bigger SEO picture and implement the right techniques to rank on page 1, you must make your target audience your number 1 priority.
4. Link To Other Sites Relevant Content
To ensure your content is as comprehensive and relevant as it can be, you can include links to other high-authority web pages with more information on your chosen topic.
Linking to other high-quality websites sends the right kind of trust signals to Google and indicates that your content helps users find the answers to their search queries.
5. Use SEO Friendly URLs
Your site’s URLs need to make sense to users. If a potential page visitor can’t understand your URL, Google probably can’t either.
A clear URL will clearly show users what the web page is about. Avoid URLs that include underscores or too many numbers as these just confuse users and search engines as well as detract from what the content is about.
6. Optimize Your Images
Images are a surprisingly critical element in your SEO game. Remember that when users perform image searches, they type in the exact keywords for what they’re looking for.
Whenever you insert an image into your site, make sure to fill in the title and "alt text" fields. Once Google understands what your image is about, it will start showing it to visitors with relevant image search queries.
7. Implement Web Analytics
Setting up web analytics should be a priority when you first build your site. If however, your site is already up and running, it’s not too late to implement web analytics.
Free Google SEO tools, Google Analytics, and Search Console are an excellent place to start.
8. Write Meta Description For All Pages
Since meta descriptions don’t directly impact your rankings on Google, it’s easy to forget about them and move on to another piece of SEO. However, a well-written meta description can be your best sales pitch when inviting visitors to view your site.
Your page’s meta description is the first thing users see when they arrive on Google’s results page.
9. Strong Social Media Presence
A strong social media presence is a key part of any business’s long-term SEO efforts. While Google doesn’t claim that social media directly impacts its rankings, there’s strong evidence to suggest that viral content tops SERPs.
This has the double benefit of improving user experience by making it easier to share content as well as increasing your content’s exposure on social media platforms, ultimately boosting the amount of organic traffic visiting your page.
10. Build Backlinks From Authoritative Sites
A strong "backlink" profile is still a big part of performing well in search engine results pages. Receiving links from other well-regarded, trustworthy sites helps paint the picture that your site is also a trusted authority in your industry niche.
This has the double benefit of improving user experience by making it easier to share content as well as increasing your content’s exposure on social media platforms, ultimately boosting the amount of organic traffic visiting your page.
10 Ways To Improved SEO
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Nasir Uddin
7/17/20233 min read